Move - in our Move - Out
Moving is stressful enough, let us take care of the cleaning! Premium Cleaning for new home owners! Check out our extra services sheet to add on any specialty items to get nothing but the best quality.
Residential Standard Maintenance Cleaning Services
Residential Standard Cleaning Services does offer Maintenance Cleaning but is only recommended if you’ve had a professional cleaning within the last four weeks. This cleaning is a touch up based clean. It is presumed, that the home will be in order and somewhat picked up. This will help us to facilitate the cleaning’s specific needs. Check out our standard services sheet to best gauge your needs.
Premium Routine Deep Cleanings New Clients
We strongly suggest that you start with our Premium Deep Cleaning Package. Especially since this is your first service visit or one time clean. Premium Cleaning includes the Maintenance Cleaning list items and additional we get all the knitty gritty things you wouldn’t want to focus on. Everything is cleaned by hand, with a detailed emphasis and focus on built-up dirt. Check out our Deep cleaning services sheet to best gauge your needs.
Spring, Summer, Fall Cleaning
Ready to get things under control? Then the Spring Cleaning Package is right for you! This is all the routine maintenance clean plus some extras like our deep cleaning. This gets you reset for the next season! Refer to our Extra Services sheet for any and all add on’s.
More Information:
We cannot move furniture over 25 pounds. But, we will try to reach all visible places, with a 3 foot step ladder and or this will be done with an extension duster if we cannot reach by hand. It is to our assumption that the home will be in order and somewhat picked up. As a result, this will help to facilitate the cleaning needs and quality of the areas described above efficiently.
Standard service’s are not available for move-in/move-out cleans, or first-time initial cleans, as these cleanings need a more detailed cleaning. Standard Cleaning is only recommended if you’ve had a professional house cleaning within the last 3 weeks.
It’s our job to help you choose the right level of service for your house cleaning needs. Choosing the right type of service to be performed in your home is important. This is by far, the only way to have the successful outcome you are looking for.
When you hire a house cleaning service, be sure to ask questions! You can read reviews on our facebook page, and more about us on our homepage.
Please Note ** If you insist on purchasing less service than you are recommended, you will be disappointed with the results. No matter who you hire.**